Thursday, May 27, 2010

Field Trip # 2 - Freshwater

Today, May 27th, I did my Freshwater field trip at the Audobon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. It was a memorable, interesting and adventurous experience. At times it was a bit scary but very enjoyable. I was chased by a bee, there were many bugs biting, but I was in their territory so I adapted well. I am so appreciative of getting this opportunity to enjoy the natural environment. I have posted pictures of the lovely tour.

This is the entrance to the Corkscrew Swamp.

This is me on the boardwalk having fun and getting ready to experience the great outdoors.
This is the scenery along the tour.

Wetland. I could see many different beautiful birds flying around and some were chirping in the tree.

These are ferns in the wetland.

More wetland. I could hear animals making different noises but I could not see them.

Still more wetland. I heard something splashing in the water but I could not see what it was.

This was the beautiful scenery at one of the rest stops where I took a few minutes to rest, relax and enjoy nature.
This was more wetlands, many alligators were in this section. They were making loud noises.
This alligator was sunning.
This is a map of the Corkscrew watershed.
The dotted lines shows boundaries as it moves into the landscape. It supports people living in Naples and Bonita Springs and also the Southwest Florida wildlife.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing beautifully, Paula.

    I love the pictures, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

